Download Free Kadence Theme- Quick Tutorial

  • Visit Kadence Free Solution landing page
  • Click Download for Free button
  • On the popup select Download Kadence theme
  • Enter your email address and click the Download and Subscribe button or No Thanks, Just Let me Download option

Want to download free Kadence Theme?

If yes then in this tutorial we have shared the step by step process using which you can do this easily.

Kadence is a popular WordPress theme by Kadence WP and it was launched with the goal to provide users with a theme that is feature rich and fast loading.

This theme has been able to do this and as of now Kadence Theme has over 300,000 active installations with near perfect 4.9 out of 5 star rating.

Kadence free theme active installation and ratings
Kadence free theme active installation and ratings

As far as the features are concerned, below we have shared a few

  • Header Builder
  • Footer Builder
  • Custom Layouts
  • Custom Post Type Support
  • Scroll To Top
  • Social Links
  • CSS Pre-loading
  • Transparent Header
  • Global Color Palette
  • Color Options
  • Global Typography
  • Global Button Settings
  • Sticky Header
  • Responsive Controls
  • Breadcrumbs
  • SEO Optimized

And more

Personally speaking, we have been using Kadence Theme for a long time and on some sites we still use the free version even though we have the lifetime bundle.

And the reason is- Kadence free theme offers more features as compared to other WordPress themes and is a complete theme in itself.

The moral of the story is- when using Kadence Theme you do not feel restricted or as if something is missing.

Keeping this in mind, if you are looking to build beautiful sites that load fast then free Kadence Theme is for you.

And in this tutorial we will discuss how can you download Kadence free theme easily.

Steps to download free theme by Kadence WP

Before we move forward, it is important to know that we have been receiving a few queries regarding Kadence AI and theme.

One of the frequently asked question is if Kadence AI can be used with Kadence Theme. 

The answer is yes you can use AI with Kadence Theme, however, to activate Kadence AI you will have to use

  • Kadence Blocks- For AI in Advanced Text Block and Design Library
  • Kadence Starter Templates- For AI generated templates.

We recommend using Kadence Theme along with Kadence Blocks and as it creates a complete suite of tools that lets you build designs / layouts from scratch.

Also, it is up to you if you go for the free or the pro version as both Kadence Theme and Block plugin are not restrictive.

Keeping this is mind, below are the steps to download free WordPress theme by Kadence WP

Visit Kadence WP

To download Kadence Free theme, the first step is to visit Kadence WP and then click AI Starter Templates on the homepage.

AI Starter Templates option on Kadence WP homepage
AI Starter Templates option on Kadence WP homepage

Doing this will take you to the Kadence AI landing page.

Alternative, you can click our SPECIAL LINK and it will take you directly to the above mentioned landing page.

Kadence AI landing page
Kadence AI landing page

Download Kadence Free Theme

Once you are on the Kadence AI landing page, you need to click the Get Started with Kadence AI button.

Get Starter with Kadence AI button
Get Starter with Kadence AI button

And on doing so a popup will appear where you will see the option to download Kadence free Theme along with Kadence Blocks and Starter Templates plugin.

Download Kadence popup
Download Kadence popup

Here you are required to select Download Kadence Theme and unselect all the other options.

See the below screenshot for reference.

Option to download free Kadence Theme
Option to download free Kadence Theme

In the next step you need to enter your email address in the space provided and click Subscribe and Download.

If you do not want to subscribe then you will have to click No Thanks, Just let me download option at the very bottom.

Click to download free Kadence Theme
Click to download free Kadence Theme

On clicking this option, it will instantly download the Kadence free theme zip file and redirect you to the Thank you page.

Option to download free Kadence Theme on Thank You page
Option to download free Kadence Theme on Thank You page

In case for any reason, its fails to download the Kadence Theme, then you can click Kadence Theme option on the Thank You page and it will download the free theme.

And that’s it, you have successfully downloaded free Kadence Theme.

Alternative way to download Kadence Theme for Free

There is an alternative way to download free WordPress theme by Kadence.

Just like above, using this method you will be able to download all the 3 free plugins and theme by Kadence WP.

To download Kadence Free theme using this method, the first step is to click our SPECIAL LINK and doing this will take you to the free solutions landing page on Kadence WP.

Kadence WP free solutions landing page
Kadence WP free solutions landing page

Here you are required to click the Download for Free button and a popup will appear containing the option to 

Popup for downloading free Kadence Theme and plugins
Popup for downloading free Kadence Theme and plugins

As we are downloading free Kadence Theme, we will be selecting Download Kadence Theme and unselect all the other options.

Select download Kadence Theme in popup
Select download Kadence Theme in popup

Once you are done till here, the last step is to enter your email address and click Subscribe and Download.

Doing this will instantly download the Kadence Free Theme.

In case you do not want to subscribe then you need to click No Thanks, Just let me download and it will download the free Kadence Theme and take you to the Thank You page.

Download free Kadence Theme
Download free Kadence Theme

This is exactly the same Thank You page as before and it will contain the option to download Kadence Theme, Blocks plugin and Starter Templates.

Option to download free Kadence Theme on Thank You page
Option to download free Kadence Theme on Thank You page

In case Kadence free theme fails to download then you can click the Kadence Theme option on this page and it will download the zip file.

And that’s it. You now know another way to download Kadence free theme.

FAQ on Downloading Free Kadence Theme

What is Kadence Theme

Kadence is one of the best themes in the WordPress ecosystem. It is known for its easy of use, flexibility and fast loading times.

This theme is build by Kadence WP with the goal to provide users with a fast loading feature rich theme using which they can create websites from scratch using block editor.

As mentioned above we are using Kadence on most of our sites as of now.

What are the features included in Free Kadence Theme

As Kadence theme is feature rich, below we have shared all the features.

  • Header Builder
  • Footer Builder
  • Custom Layouts
  • Custom Post Type Support
  • Scroll To Top
  • Social Links
  • CSS Pre-loading
  • Transparent Header
  • Global Color Palette
  • Color Options
  • Global Typography
  • Global Button Settings
  • Sticky Header
  • Responsive Controls
  • Breadcrumbs
  • SEO Optimized

Is Kadence Theme really free

First things first, Kadence is a freemium theme meaning it has both free and premium versions.

The free version of Kadence Theme is absolutely free and it gives you all the controls you need to build your site.

All in all you won’t free restricted as this Kadence gives you access to more features than any other theme.

What are some example websites built using Kadence Theme

As of now Kadence has over 300,000 active installations and below are some of the websites built using this theme

  • StellarWP
  • LearnDash
  • SolidWP
  • FluentCRM

We have compiled a list of some of the best Kadence Theme examples.

What is the difference between free Kadence Theme and Pro

There are quite a few differences between Kadence Theme and Kadence Pro.

By now you know Kadence is a WordPress theme which is available for free.

However, Kadence Pro is a premium addon that adds advanced features to the free Kadence Theme.

Below we have shared a table of comparison between Kadence Theme free and Pro.

Kadence Free vs Pro




Header Builder



Footer Builder



Global Colors



Sticky Header



Transparent Header



Woocommerce Header Cart



Woocommerce Product Layout Features



Woocommerce Product Archive Image Swap






Scroll to ID



Sticky Sidebar



Advanced Typography Settings



Custom Layouts per Post Type



Support for LMS plugins



Host Google Fonts Locally



Woocommerce Sticky Add to Cart



Woocommerce Ajax Add to Cart



Woocommerce Side Cart Open on Add to Cart



Custom Fonts



Custom 404 Page



Fixed Elements



Conditional Elements



Inline Content Elements



Hooked Elements (Sections & Templates)



Header Addons (20 Extra Elements)



Ultimate Menu (Icons, Mega, Columns)



Conditional Headers



Woocommerce Addons



Color Palette Switch (Dark Mode)



Header/Footer Scripts



Local Host Gravatar



Infinite Scroll



Archive Custom Settings



Can I upgrade from Kadence free theme to pro

Yes, you can upgrade from free Kadence Theme to Pro any time you want.

The process is very straight forward and below we have listed all the steps

  • Visit Kadence WP and select Kadence Theme under the Products dropdown
  • Click Buy Pro on the Kadence Theme landing page
  • Out of all the Kadence theme plans select one as per your needs. (We recommend picking Kadence WP lifetime full bundle)
  • Provide necessary information and complete the purchase process
  • Download Kadence Theme Pro addon
  • Install Kadence Pro in WordPress
  • Activate Kadence Theme Pro license

And that’s it you now have successfully upgraded from Kadence Theme free to Pro.

Do I get a discount on upgrading from Free Kadence Theme to premium

Yes, you can get a discount on upgrading.

For this you will have to click our SPECIAL LINK and use the Kadence promo code WIREFRAME on checkout.

This will get you up to $120 OFF.

Is Kadence Free Theme worth it

Yes, absolutely Kadence Free theme is worth installing as it is packed with features and below we have shared a few.

  • Header Builder
  • Footer Builder
  • Custom Layouts
  • Custom Post Type Support
  • Scroll To Top
  • Social Links
  • CSS Pre-loading
  • Transparent Header
  • Global Color Palette
  • Color Options
  • Global Typography
  • Global Button Settings
  • Sticky Header
  • Responsive Controls
  • Breadcrumbs
  • SEO Optimized

And more

In our experience, the free version of Kadence offers more features when compared with other themes and you don’t feel restricted.

In quite a few cases we have installed the free Kadence Theme on client websites and we have not had a bad review / complaint.

Is Kadence Theme good for beginners

Yes, Kadence Theme is good for beginners. 

Having said that,

I hope you will find this tutorial helpful and are able to download Kadence free theme.

In case you have any queries feel free to reach out.

To stay up to date with our content we recommend you subscribe to our YouTube channel and email list.

Also, don’t forget to join our Facebook group.

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