Download Kadence Child Theme- Quick Steps

Kadence Child Theme is free to download and install and below are the steps

Doing this will instantly download the Kadence Child Theme zip file.

How to Download Kadence Child Theme

Searching for an easy way to download Kadence Child Theme?

If yes then in this tutorial we have shared the step by step process using which you can do this easily.

First things first, what exactly is a Child Theme.

As the name suggests Child Theme is a sub theme that allows you to make changes to certain aspects while maintaining the features and functionality of the main or parent theme.

In simple words, a child theme inherits the features and functionality of the main theme. However, it keeps the customizations made separate from the parent / main.

This makes it easier for users to update the parent theme without losing customizations or modifications.

It is important to know that as Child Theme is a sub theme of the Parent, it is required that you install the main theme first in order for Child Theme to work.

See the below screenshot for reference

Kadence Child and Parent Theme install in WordPress
Kadence Child and Parent Theme install in WordPress

As you can see in the screenshot above, both the Kadence Child and Parent themes are installed. However, the Child Theme is only active.

As mentioned above, the only requirement for Kadence Child Theme to work is the installation of the both Kadence Child and Parent Theme.

But the the Child Theme has to be activated.

Keeping this in mind, in this step by step tutorial we have discussed how to can easily download Kadence Child Theme.

Steps to Download Child Theme by Kadence WP

Before we move forward, it is important to know that Kadence Child Theme is free to download and with just a few clicks you will be able to do this.

Keeping this in mind, below are the steps.

Visit Kadence WP

To download the Child Theme by Kadence, the first step is to visit the Child Theme landing page on Kadence WP and you can do this by clicking our SPECIAL LINK.

Child Themes landing page on Kadence WP
Child Themes landing page on Kadence WP

Download Kadence Child Theme

Once you are on the Child Themes landing page, the next step is to scroll down till you find the Our Child Theme Downloads section.

Option for downloading Kadence Child Theme
Option for downloading Kadence Child Theme

Here you are required to click Example Kadence Child Theme button and it will instantly download the Kadence WP Child Theme zip file.

Kadence Theme zip file successfully downloaded
Kadence Theme zip file successfully downloaded

And that’s it you have successfully downloaded Kadence Child Theme.


Do I need a Child Theme for Kadence

Yes, if you are creating your website using Kadence Theme then we recommend downloading and using Kadence Child Theme.

Installing a child theme will ensure that the changes or modifications you have made will remain intact when updating the main theme.

All in all it adds a layer of safety.

Why download Child Theme by Kadence

There are quite a few reasons to download Kadence Child Theme. Below we have shared a few

Customization Without Losing Changes:

  • As mentioned above, a child theme allows you to make customizations to your WordPress site without altering the original or parent theme. This is crucial because if you directly modify the parent theme, those changes may be lost when the theme is updated. A child theme preserves your modifications during updates.

Stability and Updates:

  • Parent themes are regularly updated to patch security vulnerabilities, add features, or improve performance. By using a child theme, you can safely update the parent theme without worrying about losing your customizations.

Ease of Development:

  • Child themes provide a clean and organized way to make changes to the appearance and functionality of your site. It’s easier to manage and maintain your modifications in a separate child theme directory.

Best Practice in WordPress Development:

  • Using child themes is considered a best practice in WordPress development. It adheres to the modular and extensible nature of the platform, making it easier for developers to collaborate and maintain code.

Fallback to Default Behavior:

  • If you encounter issues with your customizations, you can easily deactivate the child theme to revert to the default behavior of the parent theme. This helps troubleshoot problems without losing your entire site design.

Is Kadence Child Theme free to download

Yes, Kadence Child Theme is free and you can download it from the official Kadence WP website.

What is the difference between Kadence Child Theme and Kadence Child Theme Builder

There are quite a few difference between Kadence Child Theme and Kadence Child Theme builder

  • As the name suggests Kadence Child Theme is a WordPress theme while Kadence Child Theme builder is a plugin.
  • Using the Kadence Child Theme builder you can create a custom Child Theme for your website built using Kadence Theme.
  • The basic Kadence Child Theme is free to download while Kadence Child Theme Builder plugin is available in Kadence WP Full and Lifetime bundles.

Having said that,

I hope you will find this article helpful and are able to download Kadence Child Theme easily.

In case you have any queries then feel free to get in touch.

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