What’s Coming in WordPress 6.3 BETA

WordPress 6.3 BETA is out now and in this article we will be sharing some of the new features and improvements that you will comes across in the upcoming update.

WordPress 6.3 will be the second major update of the year and is slated to be released on August 8th 2023.

In this update quite a few improvements and new features for the site editor has been released along with 2 new blocks.

It is important to know that as this is a BETA version of the upcoming WordPress 6.3 update, there are chances that some of the features that we have discussed here might not make it to the final release.

In case you are looking to try the new features and improvements included then you will have to install WordPress Beta Tester plugin.

Please Note– We do not recommend you install this plugin on a live site and hence, the best option is to use it on a test or a local site.

Keeping this in mind, in this article we have briefly discussed what’s coming in WordPress 6.3 update.

WordPress 6.3 BETA

Before we move forward, it is important to know that WordPress 6.3 update is the final major release of Gutenberg Phase 2.

And it demonstrates the incredible progress achieved towards the goals outlined in WordPress roadmap.

Keeping this in mind, below are the topic covered.

Changes to Site Editor

In WordPress 6.3 BETA, there are quite a few improvements that you will come across in the site editor.

And in this section we have touched on a few.

Navigation in Browse Mode

The first change that you will come across in WordPress 6.3 BETA is for the Browse Mode.

And in this Styles, Pages and Patterns drilldown has been added to it.

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Browse Mode before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Browse Mode before WordPress 6.3 Beta
  • After WordPress 6.3 BETA
Browse Mode after WordPress 6.3 Beta
Browse Mode after WordPress 6.3 Beta

Using these you will be able to browse through various style variations, patterns and pages easily.

Below we have discussed each of these options in a bit more detail.

Style Variations

If you have been following the development of WordPress then you must be familiar with the fact that Twenty Twenty-Three theme was released in WordPress 6.1.

And with that came 10 different bundled styles or style variations that you can use by just clicking Browse Styles in the Style Settings.

Style Variations before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Style Variations before WordPress 6.3 Beta

Before WordPress 6.3 BETA, this was the only way to access and use Style Variations.

However, after WordPress 6.3 BETA, you will find Style Variations under Styles in Browse Mode as well.

Styles in Browse Mode navigation in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Styles in Browse Mode navigation in WordPress 6.3 Beta

On clicking Styles, it will show you all the variations and you can use these with just one click.

Use Style Variations in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Use Style Variations in WordPress 6.3 Beta

It is important to know that the Styles option in Browse Mode also lets you access the Style Settings in the site editor.

And for this you need to click Edit / Pencil icon.

Style Settings in Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Style Settings in Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta

In case you want to access Style Book then you will have to click the eye icon.

And it will open Style Book.

Style Book in Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Style Book in Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Page List

Moving on from Styles, the next new option that has been added to the Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 BETA is Pages.

Pages in Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Pages in Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta

This option displays a list of 10 most recently updated pages.

To see this Page List, all you have to do is click Pages in Browse Mode.

Recent Page list in Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Recent Page list in Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta

It is important to know that on clicking any of the pages on this list it will show you some basic details such as

  • Status
  • Slug
  • Template
  • Words
  • Time to read
  • Last Modified

And more.

Basic details of a page in Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Basic details of a page in Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Along with this you will be able to edit this page by clicking the edit / pencil icon on top and it will let you edit the page in site editor itself.

Edit a page from Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Edit a page from Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta

In case you want to delete then you can click ellipsis menu and it will show you the option to do so.

Delete a page from Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Delete a page from Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Content Editing in WordPress 6.3 BETA

While we are on the topic of editing and deleting pages, it is important to know that using the Browse Mode you will be able to add new pages as well.

Option-to add new page using Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Option-to add new page using Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta

And you will find the option to do so on the top.

On clicking this option, a new dialogue box will appear where you will have to add page title and then click Create Draft.

Add a new page from Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Add a new page from Browse Mode in WordPress 6.3 Beta

When you will click Create Draft, it will take you to the site editor only and here you will be create it.

Create a page in site editor in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Create a page in site editor in WordPress 6.3 Beta

It is important to know that there are other ways using which you will be able to add new posts and pages in site editor.

And that is by typing page or post in the Site Editor or Browse Mode search bar.

See the below screenshots for reference.

  • Site Editor search bar in WordPress 6.3 BETA
Add a new page using main search in site editor in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Add a new page using main search in site editor in WordPress 6.3 Beta
  • Browse Mode search bar in WordPress 6.3 BETA
Add a new page using Browse Mode search in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Add a new page using Browse Mode search in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Keep in mind, using this feature you will be able to view and edit existing pages and posts as well.

Existing pages in Site Editor search in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Existing pages in Site Editor search in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Dynamic Templates to Page List

Moving on,

Another improvement that you will come across in WordPress 6.3 BETA is the addition of dynamic templates in Page List.

Full site editing or Site editor is a relatively new feature that was introduced in WordPress 5.9.

And when you are using it there are chances that you will at times think of templates as pages.

The reason behind this confusion arises from certain templates being attached to dynamic pages such as 404 and archives.

To make things easier, dynamic templates have been added to the Page List and you will find these towards the bottom.

Dynamic templates in Browse Mode page list in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Dynamic templates in Browse Mode page list in WordPress 6.3 Beta

If you want to make changes to these templates then you need to select the template that you want to edit and then click the edit or pencil icon.

Edit dynamic templates in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Edit dynamic templates in WordPress 6.3 Beta

And it will allow you to make changes.

New icons

While we are on the topic of reducing confusion, the next improvement that you will notice is that the homepage and posts page (blog) have different icons.

  • Homepage has the icon of home
New icon for homepage in WordPress 6.3 Beta
New icon for homepage in WordPress 6.3 Beta
  • Posts page has the icon of Loop
New Icon for Latest posts page in WordPress 6.3 Beta
New Icon for Latest posts page in WordPress 6.3 Beta

These icons will give a clear indication to the user about the purpose of the page.

Before we move forward, it is important to know that if your site’s homepage is set to display latest posts then in the page list you will find an item named Home.

Homepage set to display recent posts in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Homepage set to display recent posts in WordPress 6.3 Beta

And on clicking, it will show you Latest Posts page settings.

Latest Posts settings on homepage in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Latest Posts settings on homepage in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Here to make changes to the template you will have to click Edit or Pencil icon.

Edit homepage template in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Edit homepage template in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Once done, click Save to save changes.

Distraction Free Mode

After content editing, the next new feature that has been introduced in site editor is the Distraction Free Mode in WordPress 6.3 BETA.

As the name suggests, when you will enable this mode, it will remove all the not so required options from the editor.

This option was added to the block editor in version 6.2 and we have touched on it in our article on WordPress 6.2 BETA.

Keeping this in mind, you will find Distraction Free Mode in the ellipsis menu in site editor.

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Distraction free mode missing in Site Editor before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Distraction free mode missing in Site Editor before WordPress 6.3 Beta
  • After WordPress 6.3 BETA
Distraction free mode in Site Editor in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Distraction free mode in Site Editor in WordPress 6.3 Beta

To activate Distraction free mode in WordPress, you just have to click this option.

On doing so, it will hide the toolbar and sidebar and you will be able to write without any distraction.

Distraction free mode active in Site Editor in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Distraction free mode active in Site Editor in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Please Note- You will be able to access the top toolbar when hovering your cursor towards the top.

Preview for Block Themes

If you have been following the development of WordPress then you must be familiar with the fact that Twenty Twenty-Two was the first block theme.

And it was released in WordPress 5.9 update.

Since then there was no option to Preview block theme, be it in the customizer or the site editor.

See the below screenshot for reference

Preview button missing in Block Themes before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Preview button missing in Block Themes before WordPress 6.3 Beta

This has changed in WordPress 6.3 BETA and in the coming update you will be able to preview block themes inside site editor.

For this you will have to navigate to Themes under Appearance in your WordPress dashboard.

And search for a block theme that you have installed but is not active.

Preview button in Block Themes after WordPress 6.3 Beta
Preview button in Block Themes after WordPress 6.3 Beta

Unlike before, you will find a Live Preview button on the listing.

And on clicking, it will open the preview of the theme in Site Editor.

Preview Block themes in WordPress 6.3 beta
Preview Block themes in WordPress 6.3 beta

To activate this block theme, all you have to do is click Activate.

Revisions in Global Styles

When creating pages and posts using WordPress, you must have seen revisions option appear in the editor sidebar once have made a few changes.

These revisions allow you to restore previous versions of the document if required.

In WordPress 6.3 BETA, this feature has been added to Global Styles in site editor.

To view revisions, you will have to make a few changes first as the default state is not treated as one.

And once you are done, you will find the revisions in the Style toolbar.

Revisions in Global Styles in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Revisions in Global Styles in WordPress 6.3 Beta

On clicking this, it will show you the number of revisions and an option to restore default.

Revision history in Global Styles in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Revision history in Global Styles in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Here when you will click Revision History, it will show you all the revisions.

Style revisions in Site Editor in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Style revisions in Site Editor in WordPress 6.3 Beta

You can restore a revision by simply selecting it and then clicking Apply.

Restore revisions in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Restore revisions in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Please note- At the moment, the limit imposed by rest controller is of 100 revisions.

Style Captions in WordPress 6.3 BETA

While we are in the Global Styles settings, a new option to Style Captions has been introduced in WordPress 6.3 BETA.

And you will find it under both Global Typography and Color Settings. See the below screenshot for reference.

  • Captions in Global Typography in WordPress 6.3 BETA
Global Typography settings for Captions in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Global Typography settings for Captions in WordPress 6.3 Beta
  • Captions in Global Colors in WordPress 6.3 BETA
Global Color settings for Captions in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Global Color settings for Captions in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Using these settings you will be able to Style captions easily.

And remember, this change will have a site wide impact as these are global style settings for captions.

Duotone Filter in Site Editor

After the captions, the next improvement that you will come across in WordPress 6.3 BETA is for the Duotone filter.

If you have been using Global Styles for blocks in site editor then you must be familiar with the fact that in image or any of the blocks using image, you were unable to use Duotone filter Globally as the option was missing.

And this could only be done manually within theme.json file.

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Global Duotone filter missing before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Global Duotone filter missing before WordPress 6.3 Beta

This has changed in WordPress 6.3 BETA and now you will be able to set Duotone filter for blocks using images globally.

To see this improvement, you need to navigate to Style Settings in the Site Editor and then click Blocks.

Doing this will show you all the blocks in WordPress and here you will have to select a block that uses image(s) such as

  • Image
  • Post Featured Image
  • Cover

On selecting, you will find the Duotone option under filter.

Global Duotone filter in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Global Duotone filter in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Please note- This option is not available in Media and Text block. Also, if you set a global filter on image block then the styles will be inherited by the Gallery block as well.

New Command Tool in WordPress 6.3 BETA

If you have been following this article till now then you know that by using the site editor search you can create, view and edit pages and posts easily.

Post in Command Tool in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Post in Command Tool in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Similarly, by using this feature, you can open templates and edit them as well.

This feature is known as command tool and you can access it by using the below shortcuts

  • Windows- CTRL + K
  • Mac- CMD + K
Windows shortcut for Command tool in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Windows shortcut for Command tool in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Once you have opened this tool then you can type in phrases like

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Templates
  • Pages
  • Posts

And it will show you the option to create new or edit an existing.

Edit or open templates using Command tool in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Edit or open templates using Command tool in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Keeping this in mind, you can use specific commands or phrases such as 404 or name of the page / post / template and it will filter and show you results.

Specific command in Command tool in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Specific command in Command tool in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Please note- WordPress is still taking feedback on this tool and its final name is yet to be decided.

Templates in Site Editor

While we are on the topic of templates, there are quite a few improvements that you will notice for these in WordPress 6.3 BETA.

Updated Descriptions

The first improvements that has been released for the templates in WordPress 6.3 BETA is the new / updated descriptions.

If you have been using the site editor then you must have noticed that the templates that come with the block theme have a brief description that tell you about its purpose.

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Template descriptions before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Template descriptions before WordPress 6.3 Beta

In WordPress 6.3 BETA, nearly all of these descriptions have been updated to better explain what each template does.

You can see this change by navigating to Templates in the Browse Mode and then clicking Manage All Templates.

Updated template descriptions in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Updated template descriptions in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Patterns as Template Starters

Since the release of block themes and full site editing, WordPress has been prioritizing patterns to make it easier for beginners to build pages and templates from scratch.

In WordPress 6.3 BETA, this feature has received an improvement and now on adding a new template, a modal will appear that will show you related Patterns to choose from.

Patterns for starters in Templates in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Patterns for starters in Templates in WordPress 6.3 Beta

This change has been introduced with the motive of speeding up the template creation process.

Keep in mind, if you are looking to create a custom template then you can either close this modal or click Skip.

Synced Patterns in WordPress 6.3 BETA

While we are on the topic of Patterns, it is important to know that the reusable blocks have been renamed to Synced Patterns in WordPress 6.3 BETA.

In this a new option has been added to its modal where you will be able to choose if you want the changes to be reflected everywhere when the original pattern is updated.

To see this change, you need to add a block in WordPress and then click the ellipsis menu on its toolbar.

Doing this will show you Create Pattern option instead of Create Reusable Block.

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Create reusable block option before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Create reusable block option before WordPress 6.3 Beta
  • After WordPress 6.3 BETA
New create Pattern option in WordPress 6.3 Beta
New create Pattern option in WordPress 6.3 Beta

On clicking this option, a modal will appear that will allow you to add the name and then select if you want changes to be synced or not.

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Reusable Blocks modal before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Reusable Blocks modal before WordPress 6.3 Beta
  • After WordPress 6.3 BETA
Reusable Blocks modal after WordPress 6.3 Beta
Reusable Blocks modal after WordPress 6.3 Beta

Keep in mind, if it is non-synced then it will behave as an independent pattern.

New Filter in Patterns Library

If you have been using Patterns in WordPress then you must be familiar with the fact that there is a Pattern directory as well.

And in WordPress 6.3 BETA, this directory has received a change where a new filter named Curated has been added.

New Curated filter in Patterns directory in WordPress 6.3 Beta
New Curated filter in Patterns directory in WordPress 6.3 Beta

This filter will allow you to switch between core bundled and community patterns.

New Block in WordPress 6.3 BETA

Moving on from the Site Editor, the next topic that we are going to discuss is the addition of new blocks in WordPress 6.3 BETA.


The first block that you will come across in WordPress 6.3 BETA is known as Details.

And you will find it under Text in the block inserter.

New Details block in WordPress 6.3 Beta
New Details block in WordPress 6.3 Beta

This is an experimental block and using it you can hide the content until the user is ready to receive it.

Basically, to view content users will have to click the Arrow.

Details Block in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Details Block in WordPress 6.3 Beta


The next block that you will come across in WordPress 6.3 BETA is Footnotes.

And as the name suggests using this block you will be able to add footnotes in WordPress.

To use this block you will have to first select a word or a phrase in the Paragraph Block on which you want to add footnotes.

Make a selection to add footnote in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Make a selection to add footnote in WordPress 6.3 Beta

After this you will have to click the more dropdown in the Paragraph Block toolbar and it will show the option to insert Footnote.

Add footnote option in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Add footnote option in WordPress 6.3 Beta

On selecting Footnotes, a new block will be added where you will be able to add the footnotes.

New Footnotes blocks in WordPress 6.3 Beta
New Footnotes blocks in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Aspect Ratio in Image block

After the new blocks, the next improvement that we are going to discuss has been introduced for the image block.

In this the aspect ratio controls have been revamped completely.

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Aspect Ratio missing in Image block before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Aspect Ratio missing in Image block before WordPress 6.3 Beta
  • After WordPress 6.3 BETA
New Aspect Ratio control in Image block in WordPress 6.3 Beta
New Aspect Ratio control in Image block in WordPress 6.3 Beta

By default its value is set to original and it gives you a few options to choose from.

Aspect Ratio in Image block in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Aspect Ratio in Image block in WordPress 6.3 Beta

On selecting one, it will show you a new option that lets you choose if you want the image to cover or be contained.

Additional options on selecting aspect ratio in Image block in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Additional options on selecting aspect ratio in Image block in WordPress 6.3 Beta

This new option in Image block will help manage aspect ratio easily.

Cover Block in WordPress 6.3 BETA

Moving on from the Image block, the next few changes that you will come across in WordPress 6.3 BETA is for the Cover block.

There are 2 improvements

Addition of Text Color support

If you have been using the Cover block then you must be familiar with the fact that if you have multiple text blocks and want the color of the text to be same then you will have to select each block and then do this.

See the below screenshot for reference.

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Text color support in Cover block missing before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Text color support in Cover block missing before WordPress 6.3 Beta

This has changed in WordPress 6.3 BETA and now you will be able to set a color for all text blocks inside of a Cover block with just one click.

Text color support in Cover block in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Text color support in Cover block in WordPress 6.3 Beta

Layout Control

The next change that you will come across in Cover block is the addition of Layout Controls.

And using these you will be able to specify content width.

See the below screenshot for reference.

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Layout controls missing in Cover block before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Layout controls missing in Cover block before WordPress 6.3 Beta
  • After WordPress 6.3 BETA
Layout controls in Cover block after WordPress 6.3 Beta
Layout controls in Cover block after WordPress 6.3 Beta

Optimized Padding and Margin Control

After the Cover block, the next improvement that you will come across in WordPress 6.3 BETA is for the Padding and Margin controls.

In this, its complete UI has been revamped and now it uses two-tone icons to let you select sides.

All Sides (default) has been split into axial controls

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Padding before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Padding before WordPress 6.3 Beta
  • After WordPress 6.3 BETA
Padding after WordPress 6.3 Beta
Padding after WordPress 6.3 Beta

When selecting individual sides, you do not have to scroll through everything

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Individual padding controls before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Individual padding controls before WordPress 6.3 Beta

All you have to do is click the sides menu in Padding or Margin controls, select a side and set values.

  • After WordPress 6.3 BETA
Individual padding controls after WordPress 6.3 Beta
Individual padding controls after WordPress 6.3 Beta

Editor Top Toolbar

Moving on from Padding and Margin, the next topic we are going to discuss is the changes to the Top Toolbar in WordPress 6.3 BETA.

If you have been using the top toolbar then you must have noticed that the Parent selector is missing for the nested blocks such as Group.

See the below screenshot for reference.

  • Before WordPress 6.3 BETA
Parent selector for Nested blocks missing in Top Toolbar before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Parent selector for Nested blocks missing in Top Toolbar before WordPress 6.3 Beta

This has changes in WordPress 6.3 BETA and now you will find the Parent selector for nested blocks in Top Toolbar.

To see this change, the first step is to activate top toolbar in WordPress editor.

And for this you will have to click the main ellipsis menu and then select Top Toolbar.

Activate top toolbar in WordPress 6.3 Beta
Activate top toolbar in WordPress 6.3 Beta

After this you need to add or select a nested block and you will see the Parent selector in the top toolbar.

See the below screenshot for reference.

Parent selector for nested blocks in top toolbar after WordPress 6.3 Beta
Parent selector for nested blocks in top toolbar after WordPress 6.3 Beta

Drag and Drop in List View

After the Top Toolbar, the next topic that we are going to discuss is the improvement to drag and drop in list view.

If you have used the List View to re-arrange block in your pages or posts then you must have seen that the animation is not prominent and smooth.

And it makes the process a bit clunky.

Drag and drop in List View before WordPress 6.3 Beta
Drag and drop in List View before WordPress 6.3 Beta

This has changed in WordPress 6.3 BETA and now the animation is more pronounce when re-arranging blocks and you exactly know where you are dropping.

Drag and Drop in List view after WordPress 6.3 Beta
Drag and Drop in List view after WordPress 6.3 Beta

WordPress 6.3 Release Schedule

  • June 28th 2023- Beta 2
  • July 3rd 2023- Beta 3
  • July 11th 2023- Beta 4
  • July 18th 2023- Release Candidate 1
  • July 25th 2023- Release Candidate 2
  • August 1st 2023- Release Candidate 3
  • August 8th 2023- Stable release of WordPress 6.3

Update to WordPress 6.3

Now that you are familiar with WordPress 6.3 BETA, the next topic we are going to discuss is how can you easily update to the latest version of WordPress.

Before we dive into the process, it is important to know that if you are on Managed WordPress hosting like Nexcess, Elementor Cloud or Cloudways then the company will take care of this for you.

If not then the first step in the process is to take a complete backup of your WordPress site.

For this you can use BackupBuddy or UpdraftPlus.

Once you are done taking backup, the next step is to click Update under Dashboard in your WordPress admin sidebar.

And it will show you if WordPress 6.3 update is available for installation.

If it is then you need to click Update to WordPress 6.3 and it will download and install.

This process can take a few minutes.

And that’s it you have successfully updated your site to latest version of WordPress.

WordPress 6.3 BETA Update

WordPress 6.3 BETA- Video

Having said that,

I hope you will find this article helpful and are now familiar with what’s coming in WordPress 6.3 Beta.

In case you have any queries feel free to get in touch.

To stay up to date with our content we recommend you subscribe to our YouTube channel and email list.

Also, don’t forget to join our Facebook group.

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