How to install WPForms Surveys and Polls addon

Are you looking for a way to increase user interaction on your site with an option of getting to know your visitors a bit better.

If yes, then you have come to the right place.

When it comes to running a successful site, engagement and user feedback plays an important role.

And you can generate both of these from the visitors on your site by creating and adding surveys and polls on your site.

There are plenty of tools and services available in the industry using which you can create these for your site.

Out of these, WPForms is the most user friendly and our choice to achieve this.

After reading some of you may be thinking

Why choose WPForms for Surveys and Polls

And in this section we will be discussing just that. But first lets get to know WPForms a bit better.

WPForms is one of the best form builder plugin in the WordPress ecosystem that lets you create any type of forms with just a few clicks.

This plugin is known for being user friendly and comes with the drag and drop feature that makes the form creation process much easier.

Being one of the most popular WordPress for builder plugin, WPForms has over 4 million active installations

WPForms active installations
WPForms active installations

And 8700+ five star reviews on

Keeping this in mind lets discuss why you should select WPForms to create polls and surveys in WordPress

As discussed above, WPForms is a plugin that is built to be user friendlyand using its drag and drop functionality you can easily and quickly create forms.

But what happens if you want to get started right away or in other words you do not have enough time to create everything from scratch.

To help you with this WPForms comes with a pre-built surverys and polls templates that you can use and edit as per your requirements.

WPForms surveys and polls templates
WPForms surveys and polls templates

And these templates will get you started right away, saving a lot of time.

After you create a poll or a survey there are chances that you might want to show the results / reports to the users right after completion.

Real time polls results in WPForms
Real time polls results in WPForms

And WPForms allows you to do this with just a few clicks

Most web surveys and polls services allow you to export data in a single format and that is generally PDF.

In case there are other options available to export charts then there are chances that it will be charged extra.

With WPForms you get the ability to export the complete survey results in 2 formats

  • JPG
  • PDF

The third option available is Print and using this you can directly Print all the reports you need.

Export survey data in WPForms
Export survey data in WPForms

It is important to know there is another added advantage of using WPForms to create surveys and polls on your site and that is it allows you to export individual charts as well with just one click.

This means it gives you access to everything that you need.

With everyone looking to get information on their fingertips or in other words mobile devices, it is important for your site and forms to be responsive.

In case you are not familiar with the term responsive the let me tell you it simply means your site and its elements can adapt to different screen sizes and work properly on them.

Responsive forms by WPForms
Responsive forms by WPForms

It is important to know that polls and surveys created using WPForms are completely responsive and will work and look exactly as expected on devices with different screen sizes.

WordPress is the most popular CMS and it powers over 41% of the web and that is it always on the target of spammers.

This means forms on WordPress blog or websites are prone to spam submissions.

And for this WPForms comes with Recaptcha and hCaptcha integration to prevent any sort of spam submission on forms created using WPForms.

Enable anti-spam services in WPForms
Enable anti-spam services in WPForms

You can enable these anti-spam services on your forms easily with just a few clicks.

As you can see the list of reasons for using WPForms to create Polls and Surveys is extensive and you can read all about it here.

Now that you are familiar with why you must use WPForms over others to create surveys and polls in WordPress, the next topic we are going to discuss is

How to install WPForms Surveys and Polls addon in WordPress

Before we dive into the installation process, it is important to know that WPForms comes in 2 versions

WPForms Lite only allows you to create contact forms in WordPress. However, with WPForms (Premium) you get access to the Surveys and Polls addon.

Keeping this in mind, lets start the tutorial

STEP 1: Get WPForms

As discussed above, to install WPForms Surveys and Polls addons you will have to go for the premium version of the plugin.

And for that you will have to visit using our SPECIAL LINK and you will get a 50% discount on your purchase.

Doing this will take you to the homepage where you will have to click Pricing or Get Started on the main navigation and it will show you the pricing and plans offered.

WPForms pricing and plans
WPForms pricing and plans

As you can see WPForms offers 4 plans and you will get access to Surveys and Polls addon in Pro and Elite plans.

Personally speaking, we are using the WPForms Pro Plan and it comes with almost all the features that this plugin has to offer.

You can select a plan (Pro or Elite) by clicking Get started and doing this will take you to the checkout page where you will have to provide some basic information about yourself and complete the payment process.

STEP 2: Download WPForms

Once you have purchased the plugin, the next step is to login to using the credentials you have just selected.

And it will take you to your WPForms dashboard.

WPForms dashboard
WPForms dashboard

Here you will have to navigate to the Downloads tab and it will show you the option to download WPForms plugin.

Download WPForms plugin
Download WPForms plugin

Another thing that you will find here is the WPForms license key and we will be using this key in the next step.

STEP 3: Install and Activate WPForms

Now that you have downloaded the plugin and have located the key, the next step is to login to your WordPress dashboard.

Once you are in, you need to head over to Plugin and then click Add New.

Doing this will take you to the built-in WordPress plugin repository and here you will have to click the Upload Plugin button on top.

Upload WPForms plugin files in WordPress
Upload WPForms plugin files in WordPress

When you click this button it will show you an option to upload plugin files and install it.

After the installation is complete, you need to activate the plugin and it will take you to the welcome page inside your WordPress dashboard.

WPForms welcome screen
WPForms welcome screen

STEP 4: Verify WPForms License

Once you are done till here, the next step is to verify the WPForms license and for this you will have to navigate to WPForms settings.

Verify WPForms license
Verify WPForms license

Here under the General tab you will find the option to add the WPForms license key and verify it.

See- How to install WPForms and activate license

STEP 5: Install WPForms Surveys and Polls addon

After verifying the license, the next step is to install the WPForms surveys and polls addon in WordPress.

And to do this you need to navigate to WPForms inside your WordPress dashboard and click Addons.

Addons in WPForms
Addons in WPForms

Doing this will show you all the addons that you can install on WPForms.

Here you need to locate the WPForms surveys and polls addon

Install WPForms surverys and polls addon
Install WPForms surverys and polls addon

And once found, you need click the Install Addon button in the bottom of the listing.

On a successful installation, you will see the status of the addon change to ACTIVE.

Active WPForms surveys and polls addon
Active WPForms surveys and polls addon

And that’s it you have successfully installed and activated WPForms surveys and polls addon in WordPress

See- How to install WPForms addons

Now, in order to create surveys and polls you will have to create a new form in WPForms and it will show you pre built templates for both.

You can select one depending on your requirement and configure it accordingly.

In case you are wondering how will you add these to your site then let me tell you WPForms allows you to embed forms using WPForms block and shortcode.

Using these you can add the surveys and polls created anywhere on your site

I hope you will find this tutorial helpful and are able to install WPForms surveys and polls addon easily on your site.

In case you have queries feel free to reach out and we will be happy to help. Also, don’t forget to share this with your friends on social media.

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