What’s new in Elementor Pro 3.8 Update

The latest version of the Elementor Pro plugin is out now and in this article we have discussed what’s new in Elementor Pro 3.8.

Elementor Pro 3.8 includes one of the most awaited features which is the loop builder and using it you will be able to create custom lists based on your requirements.

Along with this, other features such as Notes has been improved.

Keeping this in mind, it is important to know that- this update is for the premium version of the Elementor website builder plugin.

And this means you will only have access to the new features and improvements if you are using Elementor Pro or on your site is hosted on Elementor Cloud.

In case you are not using Elementor Pro but to give it a try then you can do so by clicking our SPECIAL LINK or the button below.

Elementor 3.8- New Features and Improvements

Elementor Pro 3.8 was released on 30th October 2022 and it includes the Loop Builder and a few improvements.

Below are all the topics we have covered in this article.

Loop Builder in Elementor 3.8

As discussed above, Elementor Pro 3.8 marks the introduction of one of the most awaited features known as the Loop Builder.

Using this loop builder you will be able to create custom lists of pages, posts, products and more as per your needs.

Although the Loop Builder is a widget known as Loop Grid, however, it works slightly different than the other Elementor widgets.

We will discuss more on this a bit later in this article.

Before we learn more about the new Loop Builder, it is important to know that in Elementor Pro 3.8, this feature has been released as an Experiment.

And its status is Beta.

On top of this, the Loop Experiment comes disabled by default and to enable it you will have to activate it.

New Loop experiment in Elementor Pro 3.8
New Loop experiment in Elementor Pro 3.8

Apart from this, to use Loop Builder or the new Loop Grid widget, you will have to activate Flexbox Container experiment because it is a requirement.

Flexbox Container required for using new Loop Grid widget in Elementor Pro 3.8
Flexbox Container required for using new Loop Grid widget in Elementor Pro 3.8

Keep in mind, when you will enable Flexbox Container experiment in Elementor, Container widget will take the place of the inner section widget.

In other words, the inner section widget will be missing from the list of widgets in the Elementor editor and you will not be able to use it.

Having said that,

Once you are done activating both Flexbox Container and Loop experiment, you need to navigate to the Elementor editor.

And here you will find the Loop Grid widget under the Pro section.

Loop Grid widget in Elementor Pro 3-8
Loop Grid widget in Elementor Pro 3-8

It is important to know that there is another place where you will find the Loop Builder and that is the Theme Builder.

Here you will find under Site Parts with the name Loop Item.

New Loop Item in Elementor Pro 3.8 Theme Builder
New Loop Item in Elementor Pro 3.8 Theme Builder

This is where Loop Grid widget is different than the others.

When you drag and drop this widget, it will ask you to either select a template or create a new one.

Choose or create a template for new Loop Builder in Elementor Pro 3.8
Choose or create a template for new Loop Builder in Elementor Pro 3.8

The option to create will be visible on the Elementor canvas as well.

Option to create a template for Loop Grid on canvas in Elementor Pro 3.8
Option to create a template for Loop Grid on canvas in Elementor Pro 3.8

After reading this some of you must be thing why create a template for Loop Builder.

And the answer to this question is simple.

The new Elementor Loop Builder allows you to build custom lists / grids which are built using other widgets.

Hence, you will be creating a template that will be replicated the number of times you want it to loop.

To see this, click Create a Template and it will show you the option to drag widgets.

Option to add widgets for building loop in Elementor Pro 3.8
Option to add widgets for building loop in Elementor Pro 3.8

On the Elementor side panel or widget list you will see a few widgets under the Recommended section.

Recommended widgets for creating a loop template in Elementor Pro 3.8
Recommended widgets for creating a loop template in Elementor Pro 3.8

Depending on your needs, you can drag and drop the widgets, customize the parts and once done click Save and Back.

Save and Exit Loop template in Elementor Pro 3.8
Save and Exit Loop template in Elementor Pro 3.8

On clicking Save and Back, it will take you back to your post / page / template and will show you the loop that you have built.

Custom Loop built in Elementor Pro 3.8
Custom Loop built in Elementor Pro 3.8

Now, if you want to change the number of columns or items to be displayed then you will find the option under Layout.

Layout Settings for Loop Grid widget in Elementor Pro 3.8
Layout Settings for Loop Grid widget in Elementor Pro 3.8

As you can see in the screenshot above, the option to edit template is also available.

To change what’s being displayed or looped, you need to visit the Query tab where you will be able to select a Source using the dropdown and you will have 7 options

  • Posts
  • Pages
  • Landing Pages
  • Products
  • Manual Selection
  • Current Query
  • Related
Select Source in Loop builder in Elementor Pro 3.8
Select Source in Loop builder in Elementor Pro 3.8

If you want to change the gap between rows and columns then you will find that under the Style tab.

Style tab in Loop Grid widget in Elementor Pro 3.8
Style tab in Loop Grid widget in Elementor Pro 3.8

Before we move to the next topic it is important to know that once you have built a loop, you will find it in the Theme Builder as well.

And there you will be able to

  • Edit
  • Export
  • Delete
  • Rename
Loop Item in theme builder in Elementor Pro 3.8
Loop Item in theme builder in Elementor Pro 3.8

Improvements to Notes in Elementor Pro 3.8

Notes is a feature that was released in Elementor Pro 3.7 and using it you can boost collaboration.

In Elementor Pro 3.8 update, this feature has received a few improvements and in this section we are going to discuss to that.

Notes option in right click menu

The first improvement that has been introduced in Elementor Pro 3.8 for Notes is the option to open its panel in the right click context menu.

See the below screenshot for reference.

  • Before Elementor Pro 3.8
Notes option missing before Elementor Pro 3.8 in right click context menu
Notes option missing before Elementor Pro 3.8 in right click context menu
  • After Elementor Pro 3.8
Notes option in Elementor Pro 3.8 in right click context menu
Notes option in Elementor Pro 3.8 in right click context menu

When you will click this Notes option, it will open the panel and you will be able to add, read, edit and delete Notes.

Notes panel is resizable

Before Elementor Pro 3.8, the Notes panel did not come with the option to resize.

This has changed in this Elementor Pro update and now you have the ability to resize it from the bottom.

  • Before Elementor Pro 3.8
Option to resize Notes panel missing before Elementor Pro 3.8
Option to resize Notes panel missing before Elementor Pro 3.8
  • After Elementor Pro 3.8
Resize Notes panel in Elementor Pro 3.8
Resize Notes panel in Elementor Pro 3.8

This concludes everything you need to know about the Elementor Pro 3.8 update.

If you are still not using Elementor Pro but are willing to give it a try then you can do so by clicking our SPECIAL LINK or the button below.

Elementor Pro 3.8 pricing and plans

Now that you are familiar with the Elementor Pro 3.8 update, the next topic that we are going to discuss is its pricing and plans.

Elementor Pro 3.8 has 4 plans

  • Essential (1 site)- $59
  • Advanced (3 sites)- $99
  • Expert (25 sites)- $199
  • Agency (1000 sites)- $399
Elementor Pro 3.8 plans
Elementor Pro 3.8 plans

What’s included

  • Drag and Drop editor
  • Responsive Editing
  • Theme Builder
  • Form Builder
  • Woo-Commerce Builder
  • 90+ Widgets
  • 300+ Templates
  • 10+ Full Website Kits
  • Popup Builder
  • Regular Updates
  • Premium support

And more

Before we move forward, it is important to know that Elementor has a web hosting plan known as Cloud Website that comes with Elementor Pro pre-installed and all the features.

It is priced at $99 and if you are looking for a reliable web hosting to launch your Elementor site then Elementor Cloud Website is for you and you can sign up using our SPECIAL LINK or the button below.

How to get started with Elementor Pro 3.8

  • To get started with Elementor Pro 3.8, the first step is to visit Elementor and under the Pricing menu you need to select Page Builder plugin.
Select page builder plugin under Pricing tab on Elementor homepage
Select page builder plugin under Pricing tab on Elementor homepage
  • Doing this will show you all the Elementor Pro plans and here you will have to select one as per your requirements.
Elementor Pro 3.8 pricing and plans
Elementor Pro 3.8 pricing and plans
Buy Elementor Pro 3.8
Buy Elementor Pro 3.8

And that’s it you have successfully bought Elementor Pro 3.8 and in the next step you will have to download and install it on your WordPress site.

Elementor Pro 3.8 Video

Having said that,

I hope you will find this article helpful and are now familiar with what’s new in Elementor Pro 3.8 update.

In case you have any queries fee free to comment.

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